Although 2023 wasn’t a breakthrough year for us in sales, it was for capabilities!
Our focus? Utilizing digital devices, embellishments. This has given JP Graphics our Unique Selling Proposition (USP) the ability to do custom finishes and packaging in-house.
With a focus on Cross Training and adding on more youth to our Team. We are truly defining what is the “JP Graphics Way” – Establishing Processes and Systems for Efficiency and Quality Control.
Each month during the Senior Staff Meetings, choosing of the Employee of the Month has become a real treat. I enjoy listening to the managers select their choice and articulate “Why”. It is truly easy to see the work being done as you walk out to the shop floor, but for the Month of November, the Employee Selected was a person you don’t see in the shop much, but his value and contribution is beyond measure – our driver, Greg Hernandiz!
Greg came to JP Graphics in November 2021, having been out of the workforce for some time caring for a family member. He had driving experience, and jumped right in, coordinating with his manager, Miguel Ojeda, and delivering throughout the valley, sometimes twice a day. Our clientele goes from San Francisco to the East Bay to the South, and so when these 2 guys put a plan together, they encourage getting jobs done quicker to “make the route”. We have been able to streamline and exceed delivery expectations, all while saving on vehicle costs.
In addition, Greg also has learned to get packaging ready – labeled with delivery memos and Certificates of Compliance, and to handle the FedEx, UPS or USPS shipping when needed. The Shipping Department even handles the local deliveries for Idyll Time Wines.
Greg is the ultimate team player, doing whatever needs to be done, whenever it needs to be done. Even through the increased traffic, Greg always has a smile on his face, and helps the customers putting the product where they need it. He is the perfect representative of JP Graphics – out in the field. You can see from the comments from the managers how he has excelled at his work.
- “When the plate-setter was down, Greg made so many runs to SF, and was happy to help keep production going.” ~ Joe
- “Greg and I are a great Tag Team… working with the departments to maximize our shipping routes each day. It is so much fun to bring up the billing box on a full day.” ~ Miguel
- “The Customers LOVE Greg! He is so nice to them, greeting them, calling ahead, if need be, putting the product in cubicles if needed, or taking a late FedEx shipment to FedEx. He does a great job.” ~ Debbie
- “Greg is super helpful, bringing in will-call papers and supplies into the digital department, so we can get the jobs produced.” ~ Dave
- “So lucky to have Greg on our team. I only get to see and talk to him when he is working late like me. He is always nice and cheerful, and you just don’t get that driving in Bay Area Traffic every day.” ~ Joan
Congratulations, Greg, and thank you! Your dedication shines through in every mile you cover and helps fuel our success in the print world.
JP Graphics, a full-service printing company, is certified woman-owned and a small business by the state of California and is a Bay Area Green Company. Located at 3310 Woodward Ave, Santa Clara, CA 95054, our 33,000 sq. ft. facility houses a state of the art prepress department, numerous offset and digital presses, a complete bindery, including lamination, and diecutting. Additional services include fulfilment, large format, and mailing. We deliver all over the Bay Area and ship all over the world.