Joan Escover Featured in Silicon Valley Organization Campaign

Joan Escover, founder and owner of JP Graphics was recently featured as part of a month-long campaign from the Silicon Valley Organization #SVOWomen campaign. Check it out and read about some of the amazing business women that happen to also be  SVO members and staff. Recently, local small business owner Joan Escover was featured. She is an amazing business woman, runs JP Graphics and is highly involved with The Silicon Valley Organization. Read excerpts from the article:

Name:  Joan Escover

Company:  JP Graphics, Inc.

Profession:  Printer/Communications Professional

How long has your business been a part of TheSVO?: 

10 years

Why is it important to your business to be a part of The SVO? 

I enjoy the networking AND more importantly the education – especially the Monthly Breakfasts … really helps in your ability to know what is going on in Silicon Valley.

What was your first job like? 

I got my first job at Wendy’s on my 16th Birthday. I have never worked that hard again. But you do appreciate working with the public and what its like to clean up after someone who doesn’t care … So I teach my children to CARE and be respectful of everyone’s things.

Describe your current job.

I run a large printing company that covers the whole realm of print – from digital to offset to specialty finishing like foils and letterpress. We have 45 employees that are true craftsmen, and I am proud to be a woman-owned business in a male-dominated industry.

What has been a career high point for you thus far?  

Surviving the Bust.  A LOT of printers didn’t. I used every bit of my education and resources to stay alive and it has paid off .

What words of advice can you share for other professional women working in the Silicon Valley

Support one another. From a Yelp review, to a referral, to just be listening support. We make the best sales team because we are fair and have great follow-through.

On August 26, 2017, Women’s Equality Day is celebrated across the nation. 

Contact Joan Escover