Meet Our Interns
We love having interns help us at JP Graphics, and this summer we are excited to have High School students Lissette and Jacob join us in the print shop. Both have an interest in graphic design, and they enjoyed seeing our print machines in action during their tour on Monday.

Jacob’s favorite machine was the Zünd Die-cutter.
When asked about his feelings about print, Jacob stated: “Everything is better with print, because of the endless possibilities that print brings to the table. If you can think it, print can do it!”
Her favorite printing engine from the tour was the foil press.

Jacob and Lissette will be continuing the video series started by our spring interns and they are looking forward to interviewing our employees to learn more about our print capabilities. (Starting with our Employee of the Month, Jesus, and the cutting machine.) So be sure to follow us on social media to see what print can do for you!
We hope you enjoy their upcoming posts, and we wish them well as they learn about the power of print and what it can do for designers, our clients, and the community we serve.